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projekteja:how_to_finland [27.12.2024 19:29] – formatting, more schools Holly Poerprojekteja:how_to_finland [27.12.2024 22:05] (current) – added onsite classes Holly Poer
Line 43: Line 43:
 135 hours \\ 135 hours \\
 5 credit units \\ 5 credit units \\
 +==== Onsite ====
 +School: **Pirkan Opisto** [[https://www.pirkanopisto.fi/kansalaisopisto-opetus/kielet/suomen-kielen-kurssit/|Suomi A1 Alkeet (Finnish for beginners)]] \\
 +ONSITE CLASSES (Nokia, Pirkkala, Lempäälä) \\
 +Level: Begins at 0, ends at A1.2 level of proficiency. Chapters 1-6 of "Suomen Mestari 1" (2020 edition). \\
 +Fee required: no \\
 +Textbook required: yes \\
 +50 hours \\
 \\ \\
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