
This is an old revision of the document!

This page introduces members to Tampere Hacklab's issue tracker in GitHub. It is meant to be a starting point and not a comprehensive guide to the issue tracker or GitHub. Every member should read this information carefully.

Something Should Be Done

So, you have discovered that a machine isn't working quite right or a tool is damaged. It's normal, it happens in a workspace as busy as the Tampere Hacklab. The important thing to do now is to report it to our community so that we can do something about it. The best way is to mention it in our issue tracker, which is managed on a website called GitHub.

Now, maybe you are saying, “Wait a minute, isn't GitHub for programmers? I don't want to do any programming”. Don't worry, some of our programmers already did the programming, including setting up a nifty little “bot” that will do most of the work for you. We call this helper bot “Hookshot”, and we can talk to the bot on a chat app called Matrix. So, let's get started reporting an issue, with the help of these apps:

  • GitHub
  • Mulysa
  • Matrix
  • Hookshot


First, log into your own account at If you don't have an account already, go ahead and make one, it's free. Stay logged in while we continue to the next step.


Second, log into your own Mulysa account at This is the account that was created for you when you joined the Tampere Hacklab. It shows your member status, and also allows you to log into your Matrix account on the server. Stay logged in while we continue to the next step.


Third, log into your Matrix account at At the Element login page, change the server to and then tap the SSO button (you need to be logged into Mulysa when you do this). Even if you have your own Matrix account on a another server, like, you must switch to the account instead, in order to talk with the Hookshot bot.


Good, you are now logged into both Github and's Matrix. Let's tell the bot about the machine trouble and let it do it's magic.

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