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Nahkatyöt -- Leatherworking
Tekstiilityötilasta löytyy joitakin nahkatyövälineitä ja -materiaaleja. Nahat on saatu lahjoituksena, joten voit vapaasti ottaa ja kokeilla. Luonnollisen näköinen nahka on kasviparkittua, joten se sopii värjäykseen, märkämuokkaukseen jne. Youtubesta löytyy hyviä ohjevideoita nahkatyön aloittamiseen.
Some leatherworking equipment and materials are located in the textile workspace. The leather was donated, so feel free grab and experiment. The natural-looking leather was vegetable tanned, which makes it suitable for dyeing, wet moulding, etc. There are good instructional videos on YT on how to start with leatherworking.
Nahkatyökalut -- Leatherworking tools
(Suomi paikanpitäjä) – The tools cover almost all the basic needs. It would be nice to build a stitching pony to make stitch easier and get a pricking iron / a diamond chisel - it makes punching stitching holes faster (I've lost mine somewhere :c). Use punches on some sacrificial leather, otherwise they will become dull faster. The same applies to diamond chisels.
Varusteisiin kuuluu mm. – Equipment includes:
Nahka -- Leather
(Suomi paikanpitäjä) – There is quite a lot of thick vegetable-tanned leather, including blanks for making straps (e.g. for bags). There are also smaller pieces to play with or use as sacrificial leather to protect the tools. If you want to make things like wallets, then you'll need to buy thinner leather - below 1mm works well.
(Suomi paikanpitäjä) -- Other consumables
(Suomi paikanpitäjä) – Other consumables. The latex glue and carnauba creme are pretty old, you may want to mix them and test them before use.